Thursday, January 02, 2014

#1 workout question

Stupid kid. That's the best way to describe me at age 16 when I first started
lifting weights at the Stratford YMCA.
I wasn't smart enough to ask an expert for help.
Fortunately TT readers are much wiser, and ask me great questions every 
day on my Facebook QnA sessions. Today, James Criswell asked me the
#1 workout question I get all the time:

Q: Craig, just picked up Turbulence Training 2.0 (TT). I've been doing the
Home Workout Revolution (HWR) program for 8 weeks and I've lost a few
pounds even through the holidays and with a couple of birthday parties.

To lose the last 15 pounds, should I finish HWR then move to TT, or move
immediately to TT, or do a combination of TT and HWR? (If so, how should
I combine them?) Thanks! - James

My Answer:

James, great to hear! Happy New Year and Happy Birthdays!?!
As for your workouts, I recommend doing one of these Hybrids:

a) Do 3 days per week of TT as outlined in the TT program, and then add 1 day
of HWR (for no more than 20 minutes) on the first of your back-to-back rest days.

b) Do 2 days of TT and 2 days HWR each week. Your schedule would go:
Day 1 - TT Workout A
Day 2 - HWR (20 minutes)
Day 3 - Recovery Day
Day 4 - TT Workout B
Day 5 - HWR (20 minutes)
Day 6&7 - Recovery Days
... and then you'll start the next week with TT Workout C, etc.
However, there's just one problem...
If you ordered both TT and HWR individually, the full retail investment would
be over $150.
But here's the GREAT news (although you're running out of time for this...)

You can get a 1-Year Platinum Membership for just $97 today - this gives you
FULL access to every workout & video I have ever created. The total value of
all 131 workouts is well over $1000. You'll get TT 2.0 and all the videos, HWR 
and all 71 workout videos, all of my nutrition plans, and every workout I create
over the next 12 months. Plus, you'll get access to our TT Members-only forum.
But hurry, this New Year's Platinum member sale ends tonight at midnight, and
then the price DOUBLES.

Thank you for all of your great questions,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here are just 5 of the new workouts & bonuses...
...that you'll be getting in the next few months as a TT Platinum Member:

1) TT Guru Level Fat Loss - manual now available in the Member's area
2)TT DB Mass at Home 2.0
3)TT Bodyweight Cardio 6.0
4) TT Thermo 30 3.0
5) TT Clash of the Titans V with John Romaniello

All that and much, much more!

On their own to non-members, these workouts will sell for $19.95-$67 each,
but as a TT Platinum Member you'll get them all for free as part of your 1-year
membership - plus every other fat loss workout I've ever created.
But hurry...
Take advantage of the New Year Sale here <= Expires at Midnight tonight

To your best year ever!

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