Saturday, January 04, 2014

Cue Your Comeback Music

The world loves an underdog, comeback story, so...
What are you waiting for? You and I both know that you could just as easily change your life today as New Year's Day.
If you've already stumbled on your resolutions, do NOT worry. Do not fret. Just get back up, learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing on.
Never, EVER give up on what is important to you!
"New opportunity is matter of choice not calendar." - Dan Kennedy

So let's call this your comeback.

Your return to glory.
Like the prodigal son you have gone through the dips and dark days. You have gone through the muck and dealt with hurt, but it's time to leave past mistakes behind.
What's done is done and what's gone is gone. Let no more heartbreak linger over what you cannot change.
Shift your focus to what you can control - and that is your future.
It's time for you to comeback stronger than ever and to show the world who is boss. It's time for the world to see who you really are and what you can do.
The first time I sent this email out to TT readers was back in September. It motivated a man named Gilbert Proulx to join the TT Transformation Contest, and he went on to lose 24 pounds of fat and change his life - oh, and he also finished 2nd and won $500 in the Men's Under 40 category.
Today Gilbert is leading over a dozen of his friends and family members to transform their lives and bodies. He's 'Living by Example' and being the positive, supportive leader that we all need and want in our lives.
You can be that person too, for yourself, and for others. It all starts with getting started, no matter where you are starting from.
You see, the world loves giving second chances.
And yes, it will give you a third, a fourth and many more, BUT only if you ask for it and take action to take these chances.

Don't stop.

Every morning is a new opportunity to be a better you.

Every day you can get a little bit better.

So don't give in no matter how far off track you get.

Never, ever give up on something that is important to you.

This is serious.

This is your life.
This is not a dress rehearsal.
This is your one and only shot at an amazing and happy life.
Take a look at your life. Are you happy where you are? Are you ready to make a comeback to a healthier & more energetic life that you might have enjoyed before? Are you ready to finally get back in shape?
Because you can do it.
But, as the old saying goes, "To get something you've never had, you must do something that you've never done."
You must change. You must commit to transformation.
Life is giving you a second chance today (or a 22nd chance - it doesn't matter how many chances we get, all that matters is that you take it).
It's time to start your comeback.

Cue the Rocky music.
Cue the Eye of the Tiger.
Cue the Thrill of the Fight.
Cue the image of you running up those stairs in Philadelphia.
Rise up to the challenge.
I want to hear you ROAR.
So let's go.
Today is the day for you to join the 19th FREE Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. You can win up to $1000 of my money just for losing your belly fat - and making a comeback from dark days to better days.

All you have to do is make your comeback, get back in shape, and start becoming the better version of you that you know you can be - starting today.

I know you can do it.

I believe in you.

Find out how to do the TT Transformation Contest for free here:
Compete your comeback with the TT Transformation Contest

Just click on the simple rules and get started today.

You have nothing to lose but your belly fat and you have everything to gain.
Let me know how I can help,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Transforming YOUR life will make you happy...BUT...
The #1 way to make yourself UN-happy... to compare yourself to others.

So don't do it. It does not serve you. Just stop.

Compare yourself only to your past self.
Measure progress, not perfection.

(Thanks to my mentor Dan Sullivan for that one.)
And remember that this contest is all about the old you vs. the NEW you, and I know the NEW you is going to win EVERY time.
Let's do this.
To your BEST Year Ever in 2014!
(Or at least to the best year you've had in a long time!)

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