Saturday, May 25, 2013

Deadlifting and Eating Banana Bread

Started my day with another great dog walk in the countryside. The tranquility of the country is unmatched. If only everyone could have the privilege of starting the day with a nature walk, the world would be a better place. It's really great.

Today's #Meathead training: KB Snatch, Deadlift, Military Press, Split Squat.

Workout was followed by a huge chunk of banana bread made with almond flour and a milk chocolate shake from BioTrust.

Great Saturday. Now for some uninterrupted writing to get ahead of June's busy travel schedule.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You know that person that you look to as being “perfect” and “having everything”? Never forget that they struggle too. They have flaws. They have dips and dark days. They aren’t perfect. And I don’t say this so that you take delight in their difficulties, but as a reminder to remember that everyone has their own battles to fight – and win.

Two principle sources of unhappiness, according to Stoic philosophy, are our insatiability, and our tendency to worry about things beyond our control. So…Focus on what you can control – and that is your goals and values.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Do you feel like you're juggling all the priorities in your life, and you just can't let any of them drop?

Today's essay may help you better use your available time and resources.


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