Sunday, May 26, 2013

Simple Diet and Exercise Solutions for Fat Loss

Simple nutrition, social support, and intense exercise are the 3 keys to fat loss.

Do you have all of those in your life?

If not, here are the solutions.

First, avoid the junk. That's more important than worrying about how many grams of protein you get.

Here's the BIG Problem and the Simple Solution...

...from a client's food log:

"Saturday, 9pm-2am: Drinks and fun. 2:30am - Got home and was raiding the pantry. Thankfully I had no junk food at my place so I settled for yogurt and fruit. This goes along with what Craig also says about if it's not in your house you can't eat it. There's no doubt if I would have had junk food available I would have devoured it!" - The #1 Nutrition Rule: If it's not in the house, you won't eat it!"

You bet!

Next up, a step-by-step plan for adding intense exercise to your life.

Get ripped with interval training, NOT cardio

Here's another solution. It's a great weekend workout - 4 minute full body workout with no equipment

Third, get social support as one of my private coaching clients here:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You know that person that you look to as being “perfect” and “having everything”? Never forget that they struggle too. They have flaws. They have dips and dark days. They aren’t perfect. And I don’t say this so that you take delight in their difficulties, but as a reminder to remember that everyone has their own battles to fight – and win.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. This may be the most simplest but the best advice I've heard. Never buy or store any junk in your house so you will not be tempted to eat one. Love it!

  2. If your current schedule makes it difficult to find the time for exercise, change it. Get out of bed earlier.
