Friday, May 24, 2013

Banana Bread Recipe

Weird update today because there wasn't a lot of exercise going on.

Actually, I take that back. I found some stuff worth sharing.

First, ever wonder how many workouts per week you should be doing? Here's the answer

And the truth about heart rate and fat loss

Before that I had my best meditation session ever going for a full 30 minutes. It helps when I'm tired. I think I fell asleep sitting up a couple of times! It also helps when I'm out here on the farm - much more tranquility. Started the day with a dog walk through a forest. That helps reduce stress big time, as long as the dog comes back when I call.

Now for some nutrition advice and a great recipe.

Get out of “fat gaining” situations as quickly as possible. Don’t put yourself in situations where temptation will be too great for your willpower. Cut your losses. Don’t feel bad trashing junk food. If you really, truly want to lose fat, you won’t let others make you feel guilty for your decisions.

But here's an amazing nutrition decision to make (if you aren't on a hardcore diet). Try this:

Looking forward to trying this on the weekend...getting Grandma to make this for my sister's birthday on Monday

Almond Flour Chocolate Banana Bread

bowl 1.

3 cups of almond flour.
1/2 cup of ground flax seeds
1 tblsp sea salt
1 tblsp of baking powder (optional)

bowl 2

3 well done bananas. (mash them up real good)

bowl 3.

1/4 cup of honey or maple syrup
1/4 cup of coconut oil
1/4 cup of water (optional)

mix bowl 2 and 3 together and mix up really well.

then mix into bowl 1 and mix it up really well.

you can then smash up some dark chocolate and blueberries into the mixture and mix up really well.

pre heat oven to 350.

grease up a bread type baking pan with coconut oil.

mold the mixture into bread shape and put in pan.

cook for about 45 min or so.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You know that person that you look to as being “perfect” and “having everything”? Never forget that they struggle too. They have flaws. They have dips and dark days. They aren’t perfect. And I don’t say this so that you take delight in their difficulties, but as a reminder to remember that everyone has their own battles to fight – and win.

Here's a funny, harsh truth about success:
“You’re nobody until somebody hates you.” – Karen Salmansohn

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Loving this!

"Hi there TT Team, I would just like to share my experiences I’ve had with TT’s customer service. Every single email that I send you guys I always get a response which is something I’m not used to. Whenever I email other fitness sites requesting more info on their programs, I either don’t get a reply or I get told to join their membership first before they can give me a response. As there’s a time difference because I’m in South Africa and most fitness companies are based in the northern hemisphere, I usually get a response the next morning and then a reply to my follow up email the following morning again but that doesn’t happen with Turbulence Training. Not sure how or what you guys are doing but I get real time email responses from you which is unusual and fantastic although I know there’s time differences so I am in no rush, I also get very informative responses so no back and forth emails all the time ☺ Not only that, but I can’t believe how much info and exercises I get for not much money. So keep up the great work guys and keep pumping out great programs as well. Regards." - Janine, Cape Town, SA

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