Friday, June 04, 2010

Amazon vs Craig

Browsing Amazon in Airports is dangerous...Amazon 6, Craig 0

I just ordered: The Last Lecture, Viral Loop, Strategic Acceleration, Tribal Leadership, Exceptional Service (Building a 5-Star Customer Service Organization), & No Opportunity Wasted. On my flight I will read "Peak" by Chip Conley.

At the airport heading off to NYC...and I'm wearing a suit. That's right people, a suit. Let that image burn in your brain for the rest of the day.

Also had a really good blender drink to start the day: blueberries, frozen banana, 2 tbspns peanut butter, chocolate almond milk, regular almond milk, spinach, and walnuts.

And today's kick-butt mindset tip was posted in this article on my Facebook Fanpage:

=> My Hidden Desire & Daily Fight

Stay strong,



  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Can you get someone to take a picture of you in the suit? That way we all have some proof! Hopefully you have the black Converse high tops on as well.

  2. Yes, pictures please!
