Thursday, June 03, 2010

Deadlift & Cardio Questions

I'm going to do an early morning workout on Friday because I'm off to NYC for the weekend to a meeting, and going to some fancy-schmancy restaurant called "Per Se". Then on Monday I'll ship out to New Jersey and spend 3 days training with and learning from Jay Ferruggia at his Renegade Gym.

I'll keep you updated on my travels, meals, and training on my TT Facebook Fanpage here.

This is the workout I'll be doing on Friday AM.

1A) Full Squat (3x6)
1B) Max Jump (3x4)

2A) GHR (2x12)
2B) DB Deep Stepup (3x8)

3) Plank (2x90seconds)

I also do daily Q'n'A sessions on my fanpage, and answered 3 great reader questions yesterday:

Q: How does an alternating or snatch vs overhand grip affect deadlifts? I feel like my OH grip is limiting my performance.


You will lift more with alt grip, but it often causes low back pain. I use a hook grip (tuck thumbs under fingers) which hurts like heck but allows you to lift 90% of your alt grip weight without twisting your low back. Snatch grip = weak.

Q: How much cardio should i be doing to excelerate my fat loss. Just starting but can do 20 minutes on the elliptical? (Seriously, someone asked me this.) 


Hi! You need to just say NO to cardio. It's a waste of your time. Go to and watch my videos on interval training and go to my blog at and read all the articles about interval training. Thanks!

Q: How do I stop binge eating?!?!

Check out the free info on this site:

=> How to stop emotional eating

Have a great weekend,



  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Another great addition to blender drinks is Udo's 3-6-9 oil and Catie's organic greens!

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Craig - you are a travelin' fool!!
