Saturday, June 05, 2010

Dinner & Workout in NYC

Started day with central park walk, then stretching, then trained a client in hotel breakfast, and then - seriously - a meeting in the hotel's "Champagne" room. I'm not making that up.

Here's the dinner menu from last night at Per Se. It was excellent. If you're a "foodie", you'll want to check it out...(fortunately I wasn't paying the bill). 

Hor's d'ouveres were:
- tiny, tiny BLT's
- cheese balls
- salmon "ice cream cones" with creme fraiche
- carrot soup shots

- pickled salami with cucumber

- hawaian root vegetables or something...i forget the exact name...tiny bit of vegetables with broccoli sauce...amazing.

1st course
- lobster risotto in a cheese sauce - Easily the best thing we had

2nd course
- rib eye with 1 stalk of asparagus and a mushroom slice. pretty good.


- A cake donut and frozen coffee

Dessert tray - tiny desserts

I might be forgetting something...if I remember I'll let you know.

The wine we had was Leviathan, from the folks who make Screaming Eagle (for those of you who are wine lovers).

Off for more NYC walking,


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