Thursday, April 15, 2010

TT Workout Filming Update

Last night I finished filming one more phase of Booty for Wife, and then the TT Addiction workout...Workout C is totally awesome...can't wait to hear your scores...

And I took this goofy photo.
Anyways, speaking of workouts...this is possibly the HARDEST TT workout ever (and you get the full program for FREE on the Turbulence Training Fanpage)

=> Extreme Fat Burning Workout

And today's kick-butt mindset quote:
"Everything has a price. Success has a price, and so does failure. Choose either, but be prepared to pay the price for your choice."
Larry Winget
And speaking of "failure", I had a small one today with the blender drink:
Tried hemp seeds in the blender drink today and wasn't too thrilled with the taste - I blame Jason Ferruggia for this...I'm just not down with the hemp flavor...
1 banana, raspberries, blueberries, spinach, 1% milk, almond milk, cashew butter, flax oil, vega protein, hemp seeds.
Had with a toasted raw almond butter sandwich on flax meal bread.
Fortunately Jay has redeemed himself with this awesome article on how to do more pullups
=> How to Improve Your Pullups

My workout today is Workout B from TT Hardcore 2K10...just wait till you see the cover for this manual...I think you'll love it and laugh at it.

Stay strong,


PS - Very tight race in the Female Transformation Contest voting...
...please stop by, check out the photos and essays, and have your say in who wins the $1000 top prize (greatly appreciated!)

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