Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quick Favor - Free Workout

Would it be possible for you to do me a quick favor?

I put together a quick little survey that will take you less than 1 minute to fill out...

...and to show my appreciation for you taking 1 minute to fill out the survey, you'll get to choose from one of two free TT workouts (retail value $19.95).

So here's how to turn 1 minute into a 20-dollar workout...

1) Go to this link and fill out the short survey:


2) When you are done the survey, it will take you to a page where you can download your free workout.

Thank you so much for your time and feedback.

This will help me make better programs and videos, and write more helpful articles for YOU. Thanks!

You are so awesome!

Have a great weekend,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Don't forget...

The 8th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest starts on Monday, May 3rd. More details coming soon. Get ready for your chance to win $1000 just by losing belly fat. Winners of the 7th TT Contest will be announced on Tuesday.