Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blender Drink/Workout of the Day

Last week I finished up the latest phase of my own personal program, and I'm going to start a new program next week, but in between, I'm spending this week training with a couple of lab rats to work out the kinks in the new TT Hardcore 2K10 program coming out in May.

Today we finished up Workout A, and it was solid. The interval session is tough stuff. The resistance training is fast, efficient, and a little bit different from what I've done in the past. Tomorrow...barbell complex and bodyweight training.

Earlier I tried out chia seeds in a blender drink...the full ingredient list was:

1 banana, raspberries, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, walnuts, cashew butter, sesame seeds, chia seeds, & brown rice protein powder. Also had a raw almond butter sandwich on toasted flax bread, an apple, and a green tea.  


#1: An abs interview I did Monday night with Scott Colby on how to get a flat stomach with simple nutrition and the right ab exercises

=> Abs Diet & Exercise Tips

#2 - some new videos up on Youtube --

=> 15 Minute Fat Loss Workout

And today I got a great response on my Facebook page with these kick-butt mindset quotes...

"Want a better life? Go after the cause of your problem. Don't mask the problem. Don't dull the pain. Instead, feel the pain and ask yourself what is really causing it. Then attack the cause." - Larry Winget

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it." - Charles Buxton.

The quote from Buxton was probably my most "liked" quote I've ever posted...very interesting...

Alright, off to interview Super Joe Mario...I'll post the link to this call for you soon,


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