Friday, April 09, 2010

Testing Your Limits

Today's TT Workout: TT Addiction Workout C -- tested my limits. Crazy times. You'll love it. Coming April 19th to an asylum near you. It roars out to a crazy start with the pushups, peaks in the middle with the Burpees, and then finishes strong with the kettlebell swings. Upper body gets pumped, but its the quads and glutes that take the biggest beating of all. And everything is bodyweight except for the KB Swings. 

So push your limits, but don't get frustrated if things don't go your way. Just listen to what one smart guy had to say...

"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."
Thomas Edison

And then here are my thoughts...

"If you plan, & I mean really plan (not just making your lunch the day before, but plan out meal by meal, grocery trip by grocery trip, workout by workout for 12 weeks), you will lose fat & achieve more than you ever thought possible. This is the stuff of legends. Take 3 hours & plan out your next 3 months. You might this incredibly hard, or even incredibly liberating, but each time you do it you will get better at it."

And planning is necessary for winning the TT Transformation Contest...speaking of which, FYI:

Transformation Contest #7 ends next week...and the 8th Turbulence TrainingTransformation Contest will start May 3rd. Last day to enter will be May 31st.

Looking forward to your success,


PS - Do yourself a favor and make someone else happy today.

It will make you happier than if you tried to "get happy" by shopping, drinking, or eating.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "Do yourself a favor and make someone else happy today.

    It will make you happier than if you tried to "get happy" by shopping, drinking, or eating."

    Great thought, Craig. Thanks.
