Sunday, April 11, 2010

Supercharged Sunday

Supercharged Strawberry-Banana blender drink: 1 ripe banana, frozen strawberries, spinach, flax oil (you can't taste it), cashew butter, chocolate vegetarian protein powder, and almond milk. Served with toasted raw almond butter sandwich (flax meal bread).

It will be followed by bench press workout, dog walk, and watching golf (one of the few sports I find more interesting to watch than to play).

I'll be hanging out and watching golf with one of my best clients today...someone who might eat even healthier than me, so I thought this kick-butt mindset tip was appropriate for you today:

"Spend some time this week with people who are fitter and healthier than you. Find out what works for them, what drives them, and what you can learn
from their habits and apply to your life. Hang around A-level players and take your game up to their level."

Resource of the Day:

Here's a little "workout fix article" I helped the Toronto Globe and Mail with...NOTE: Do not read the comments (as they are full of un-needed hate)

=> Busy Mom Fat Loss Tips

And a bonus...yesterday's kick-butt mindset quote was this:

"Oh, what a boring life we would lead if not for the wonderful challenges we are given. Every challenge is an opportunity. An opportunity to overcome. An
opportunity to grow. An opportunity to learn. An opportunity to live." - Read this in a book given to me by my friend, Gerald Romine.

Hope you have great workouts this week,


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