Thursday, April 08, 2010

24-36 Interval Split

I spent a lot of time in February reading interval training studies and articles, and I think I might have found the most effective interval training duration.

And I used it today in Workout B from the upcoming Turbulence Training Addiction program. You sprint for 24 seconds and recover for 36 seconds. The
Australian researchers who performed the intervals vs cardio study that was published back in 2007.

But I added a little twist to it...based on another interval training study I read last year...that study looked at the physiological responses to different types of interval training used by members of the Ivory Coast national soccer team - Who knows, maybe Didier Drogba was a research subject?

So the TT Addiction Workout B program includes a special type of TT interval using the results of both of the studies.

The program also included L-Chinups, 1-leg hops, jumps, decline pushups, and a couple of metabolic circuits. The complete program will be available on April 19th.

You'll get hooked on this one pretty fast.

In the meantime, here's today's kickbutt mindset tip:

Kekich Credo #42 - "Lead by example."

If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that. If you are the one to lead, people will gravitate towards your passion.

And 2 resources for today:

1) Cool vegan & veggie health foods reviewed

=> Vegetarian Health Foods Reviewed by Kardena Pauza

2) Life changing question:

=> 1 major question to ask yourself

Stay strong,


PS - Big news coming about Memorial Day weekend...

1 comment:

  1. I agree regarding the leadership thing in your mindset paragraph at the end.

    The big realization for me this year, is when you want to make a change for yourself, you need to sort of be the change for others and yours will happen
