Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Funny Story, Final Notice

Here's a quick little funny story...

The other week I sold my house here in Toronto, and I plan to wait until the housing market here cools off a bit before I buy a new place.

However, I did something silly...

I left my apartment searching till the last minute, and now I'm scrambling to find a place to live before my "Final Notice" to move out of this place.

I'll let you know how the drama unfolds...I'm looking at a couple of options right now...but I'm not extremely happy with either of them. But you know what, I actually feel a little better just explaining it to thanks for listening!

And take it from me, the last thing you want to do is miss a big deadline. And there's a very big deadline happening today...

...because today is your last chance to get me as your very own personal trainer, coming into your house to take you through the TT for Abs DVDs.

We'll do every set, every rep, and even the intervals together.

And after I'll invite you into my kitchen to show you the Simple Nutrition System that I follow for staying lean with six pack abs all year round.

Plus, today is the last day to save over $100 on the regular price of this 19 DVD System AND your last day to take advantage of the 4 payment plan option.

And it's also your last day to get the free shipping too.

So this is your final notice to take advantage of the most complete Turbulence Training System ever created.

=> Click here to take advantage of the TT for Abs Special Offer

And then I'll be showing up on your doorstep soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, TT for Abs DVDs

PS - The price of the TT for Abs DVDs increases by $100 after midnight tonight.

So grab your copy and the free shipping today here:


There's also a lower priced 4-payment plan to help you out. But it's only available until midnight as well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    bummer that you sold your place in Canada, you just put in that huge beautiful kitchen!
