Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blender Drink Mania

Had a couple of blender drinks today...

Started the day with the "Surprisingly Simple & Good Blueberry-Coconut Blender drink": 1 ripe banana, lots of blueberries, coconut flakes, tablespoon of peanut butter, frozen spinach, flax meal, chia seeds, rice protein powder, almond milk.

Slipped into the gym for a quick "guinea-pig" session, taking a friend through Workout C of TT Hardcore 2K10. They were surprised by the heart-pounding effects of my latest metabolic resistance training circuit.

You'll love it.

Followed that up with today's omelet:

4 "free-range, peacekeeping, carbon-neutral, prius-driving eggs", feta cheese, broccoli, red pepper, and red onion.

After a couple of dog walks, I finished my day with an afternoon blender drink experiment gone right, and appropriately named: "The Sweetest Thing"

Ingredients: 1 banana, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, 5 dates, spinach,almond milk, flax oil, rice protein powder, peanut butter. Had with a toasted almond butter sandwich.

Also posted the latest 7-day fat loss call here:

=> Big 6 Advanced Fat Burning Circuit

And to finish with today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"If what you're doing now was enough to get what you want, you'd already have it."
Jack Canfield

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Please join me on the TT Facebook Fanpage...

...for random fitness QnA sessions here:



  1. James9:30 AM

    Are you still trying to gain some muscle? If so, it does not seem like you eat very much. How are things going with that? I realize you may not have to eat as much to gain, but I thought you had said you were somewhat of an ectomorph. Just wondering as I am also trying to put on some lean mass. Thanks!

  2. Thats not all I eat, bro. Its just all I blog about.

  3. Hey Craig,

    I think that you are dating your blender, man. Pretty soon you will be picking out silver patterns!

  4. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I've seen you mention Amy's organic chili,but after looking at the sodium content,is that really considered good?
