Friday, April 23, 2010

Quality Training

Train with purpose. Train with quality. Do not get sucked into the "training with quantity" mindset. That will lead to you being tired, hurt, and exhausted for no good reason.

I felt like I had a real quality session today.

Depth Jumps, Front Squats, Cable Abs, Reverse lunges, 1-leg stability ball curls, stability ball planks

But the blender drink was "not so good, Al"...I blame the chocolate vega, which is not so good tasting. Won't be buying it again.

Ingredients: 1 banana, lots of blueberries, lots of strawberries, spinach, chocolate vega powder, chocolate almond milk, peanut butter, chia seeds, flax seed oil.

And finally, a nice kick-butt mindset tip for the weekend from Dave Kekich.

Kekich Credo 55. "Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong – or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You'll live longer."

I agree,


PS - Coming soon...

TT Hardcore 2K10

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