Sunday, April 25, 2010


Making some progress with my strength...

My workout today was a big warmup, then bench press (3 sets of 3 with 250), db incline press, cable external rotations, and some plank stuff. Saving the back for deadlifts tomorrow.

Today's blender drink was one of the Greatest Ever, so I called it, "The Drake"

1 banana, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, big tablespoon of peanut butter, frozen spinach, flax seed oil, chia seeds, rice protein powder, almond milk.

Today's kickbutt mindset tip:

"We are engineered to set and achieve meaningful goals"
Earl Nightengale

CB says, "Set your goals. Both short term and long term. Then put together a plan that will help you reach them. Then review your goals, your plan, and your progress at regular intervals. Adjust your plan as necessary. And hang around o...thers who will push you to improve."

It's that simple.

And today's resource:

You don't need to wreck your back, to get a sexy six pack.

Here's how I got my abs

=> Craig's Abdominal Exercises

Stay strong and set your goals,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Craig,

    You've already been to the gym. I did my 4 mile walk already today.

    I made a blackberry shake this morning with some similar stuff in it - vanilla yogurt, flax seed, honey, milk, blackberries. I am still drinking it for lunch.
