Sunday, January 31, 2010

Success stories of the month

Congrats to JN and John who are our winners of a 1-Year Platinum Membership for their Success Stories of the Month for January 2010.

If you have a success story, please email:

support AT


Now to hear from JN and John.


"After my hysterectomy four years ago, my body shut down completely, I got a horrible spare tire and hated looking in the mirror and taking pictures.   

I spent hours on the eliptical, but had zero results.  I went to my doctor, who prescribed weight loss pills that gave me horrible dry mouth and crying jags.  I figured I'd have to get used to being the fat, old high school English teacher stereotype when I stumbled across the bodyweight workouts online, which were (ridiculously enough) free!  

My body began to alter within two or three weeks--my back and knees stopped hurting and my clothes actually felt looser!  

And I love walking out of the gym past the guy who is still on the treadmill from when I came in!  I made the plunge and became a TT member, and the sources are overwhelming, every last one of them useful in some way--well, maybe not the Buff Dudes section, but virtually everything else!  Thanks, Craig!"

"I have been back in regular training for about 18 months now but have recently started out on T.T. Before I was a cardio and dynamic tension guy as I wasn't a fan of shifting weight as I always thought I would bulk up.

Also I use to rock climb a lot but suffered a shoulder dislocation which made me lose confidence in performing various moves which I use to perform climbing, I thought that dynamic tension would be a good way of gaining strength until I discovered bodyweight exercises and replaced this straight away, also replacing boring cardio with intervals,(cycling, bodyweight or kettlebell.)

Recently I bought the original T.T manual and have started on the program and have found doing the supersets excellent fun and really good workout.

I have found that since using weight training like this I have become a lot stronger and a lot more defined/leaner, plus my shoulder has gained a lot more strength and motion especially in an exercise I picked up from you on you tube, the "stick up" which I found real difficult at first but now have great success with.

I have recently been back to my local indoor climbing wall for a winter fix and discovered to my joy that with my improved power to weight ratio and grip strength (all those dumbells) that my climbing is almost at the same standard as it was 2 years ago, although the technique left a little bit to be desired!

But all in all I am a great fan of T.T, I always leave the gym or my workout at home with a feeling of accomplishment and always have that post-workout buzz which certainly wasn't with me after sitting on a stationary cycle for an hour, just a sore you know what.

I think that the structure and time it takes to do a workout lends itself brilliantly to busy people, or just people who don't want to spend their whole lives in a gym but do want great results. 

So from what results I have gained in such a sort space of time, long may they continue, and to me the only way for this to happen is the T.T way." 
John H.
Norwich , England

Looking forward to hearing your success with Turbulence Training

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with the first post. There is no "secret" to weight loss. It is all about burning more calories than you eat and choosing those calories wisely. I weighed 189 in September and I now weigh 134 in January. I went from a diet of excess calories and unhealthy foods to a diet of all natural whole foods...fresh vegetables, whole grains, fruits, legumes, etc. and I can't believe how great everything tastes and how wonderful my body feels! My only regret is that I didn't do this for myself and for my family a long time ago!
