Monday, February 01, 2010

Workout & Men's Health Protein Article

Let's start by looking at my workout and then talking about a new Men's Health protein article that is sure to cause CONTROVERSY.

Today's Workout

1) Power clean

2A) Bench
2B) db row

3A) db steep incline
3B) pullup

4A) EZ Bar Extension
4B) DB Curl

Nothing controversial there.

But the Men's Health magazine protein article reports that even top level, hard training athletes need only 0.77 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, while the average 180 pound guy (assuming average body fat levels) who works out only 3 days per week needs only 80 grams per day.

That's a LOT lower than the muscle mags and protein companies would have you believe.

Heck, I remember back in my protein days consuming a protein shake that contained 52 grams - at once! Crazy stuff you'll believe when you're a kid.

But listen, there's nothing wrong with sticking to the 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight rule (unless you have a lot of body fat, then you can cut back on that by half and still have enough protein).

As my old grad school professor Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky is quoted in the article, "Taking in more protein than the recommended dose won't confer more benefit. It won't hurt you, but you'll just burn it off as extra energy." Dr. Tarnopolsky was one of my grad school of the smartest guys I've ever met. He's a human encyclopedia of scientific information.)

The article also references a study that showed consuming 90 grams of protein at one meal provides only the same benefit as consuming 30 grams of protein, and quotes the author of that study, Dr. Douglas Paddon-Jones, Ph.D, as saying, "It's like a gas tank. There's only so much youcan put in to maximize performance; the rest is spillover"

In past blog posts, I've also used the analogy of a factory that only has so many workers in it who can do so much. It doesn't matter how much raw material you ship to the factory, the workers can only create so many parts. The rest is not used.

Back to Tarnopolsky...he had another interesting comment, "You'll need to consume 25% more plant-based protein to reap the benefits that animal-derived protein sources provide."

So if you are a vegan, take note.

My diet contains 2-4 servings of animal protein per day, usually from milk (2 cups after workouts on M-W-F), or eggs (I'll eat 4 eggs, two days per week), or cheese (weekly reward pizza). I'll eat meat once per week. So I get 15-30 grams of animal protein per day.

The rest is from plant protein, mostly beans, nuts, and grains.

Earlier today I had one of the best blender drinks I'd ever made. (The key for a great drink is raspberries.) 

Today's ingredient list was:

1 banana, raspberries, blackberries, spinach, almond milk, walnuts, sun warrior protein powder. I poured this over almonds, raisins, and oatmeal.

Anyways, make sure you pick up the March 2010 issue of Men's Health for that protein article, and an interesting leg workout from Martin Rooney, an NFL and MMA strength coach.

And finally, today's kick butt TAKE ACTION quote from my Facebook page:

"Somewhere out there, a person just like you but with 10x's the excuses that you have, is achieving the same goals you want to achieve. Listen, everyone has a "good enough" excuse to fail and to quit. But everyone also has ALL of the tools they need to succeed. Your choice."

Stay strong,


PS - For all of the sets, reps, and photos of the Turbulence Training workouts...

Please visit the complete TT Workout Library here:

=> Turbulence Training Workouts


  1. Hey Craig! Maybe someday you should try a shake with some açaí pulp! its great!! especially with a banana.

  2. its a nice blog we all like it. And the kind of information you have provided in this blog is really heart touching.


  3. Very interesting post it is....

    Smith ALan

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