Saturday, January 30, 2010

Forget yesterday and get back on track

One bad meal, one bad night, one bad day - even one bad week - doesn't ruin everything you've worked so hard never give up.

And don't let anyone deter you or get in your way of doing the things that will get you closer to you're'. Remember - its your life - and you're the boss of it. No one else.

Today's workout:
Jumps, Squats, Good Morning, 1-Leg Ball Curl, Ball Plank.

Today's blender drink:

1 banana, pineapple, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, almond milk, almond butter, sun warrior protein.

Stay strong,


PS - Don't forget... start the Adrenaline program if you are up for a challenge:

Click here for TT Adrenaline


  1. I love mixing chocolate whey and a banana and some water/milk for a shake. I'll have to buy some more fruit and try your blender drink!

  2. yes, good words for today. one day, one meal can't ruin it all. why do we sometimes act as if/believe it does?
