Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday Workout in Newport Beach

I like going from the East Coast to the West Coast Time zone because for a few days you feel like you have 3 hours to catch up to everyone back East. So even though I think it's 3pm (as it is in Toronto and NYC), its still only noon here...lots of time to get things done.

I've already done a short morning walk around Back Bay, and hit a workout at the 24 hour fitness (where I watched a woman do leg press while reading a magazine - good times).

My workout...

1A) RDL - worked up to 285x6
1B) Standing 1-Arm DB Shoulder Press - 65x2x6, 70x2x5

2A) BB Shrug - 4x8-12
2B) Cable Abs - 3x12-15

Then hit a little Mexican restaurant for some beans, rice, avocado, and salsa.

Now to actually do some work and help folks around the world lose belly fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Don't forget to join my facebook page at:

1 comment:

  1. Jessie9:36 AM

    Hey Craig,

    I had two questions after reading this.

    1-Why 1 arm at a time with the standing DB? What kind of hand position on the DB?

    2-I love our trianing, but I am still not budging on the belly. I was looking at Leigh Peele's Fat Loss Troubleshoot but I haven't seen you promote so is that good? Would you recommend that as something with TT?

    Thanks bro

