Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wacky Wedensday Out West

Yesterday was a strange day...but it all started fine. I got up earlier than usual so I could get to the airport on time for my 8:30am flight to LA. That went pretty smoothly, except for the hour straight of Turbulence we had over Colorado.

Someone forgot to tell the pilot that Turbulence should last no more than 45 minutes.

Anyways, got to LA and met vegetarian diet expert, Kardena Pauza. One of the reasons I flew out here was to have a diet consultation with Kardena, and did I ever learn some amazing stuff and eat some delicious raw foods...eventually.

But first, I don't know what happened to me, but two hours after my flight landed I started feeling terrible. Similar headache and feeling I had after my flight to Vegas the other week, even though I drank extra water on the plane.

And worse, I started getting an upset stomach. Terrible timing since Kardena, her brother, and I went to Planet Raw (a restaurant owned by a world famous raw chef named Juliano). I could barely eat more than a few bites of my raw "linguine and meatballs".

Somehow we managed to film a couple of videos for you about vegetarian eating while at the restaurant, and we'll get those up soon, but after lunch we had to go back to her brother's house so I could pass out on the couch.

And shockingly (to me), I was sick. Physically sick. Sorry to share that with you but it was the weirdest thing. I can't remember the last time that happened to me.

I spent the next two hours passed out on a couch in a stranger's house in Marina Del Ray (very close to Venice beach). And when I woke up, there was a cat lying on my legs.

Do NOT tell Bally the Dog. He would not be too happy about that.

Fortunately, after my nap I felt much better, and we were able to film 4 more videos for you...and hopefully I don't look too bad in them.

Kardena critiques my diet on camera, goes over vegetarian and vegan substitutions for all meals, and shows you some common foods most folks think are healthy but shouldn't be a part of any weight loss diet.

You'll be surprised by some of the foods she exposes.

Once I get back to Toronto we'll get those edited and up on a website for you.

Time for a nice morning walk around Newport beach to get back on track,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Hope you are feeling better than I felt yesterday. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Someone forgot to tell the pilot that Turbulence should last no more than 45 minutes.

    Teehee :)
