Sunday, March 29, 2009

Top 5 Reasons Dad's Love Turbulence Training

Guest post today from a Turbulence Training user from San Paolo, Brazil, and father of two young children, giving us the Top 5 Reasons Dad's Love the Turbulence Training workouts.

"When I found Turbulence Training, I knew it was for me.  TT features several things that appeal to a busy working father:

1.  Weightlifting excercises that can be done at home with dumbbells...

2.  A huge variety of excercises and different workouts (Try any of Craig's bodyweight cardios to get your butt kicked)... 

3.  Short and intense cardio sessions (I get to spint after my son who is riding his bike. He loves the fact that his dad is trying to catch him.)... 

4.  No more shin splints due to running (I usually get them when running to loose weight) because my running sessions are less than 20 minutes... 

5.  Lots and lots of leftover energy to pour out on my kids and wife (she's loving the shrinking husband)... 

Kevin Flurry

Click here to get your trial offer of Turbulence Training for less than 5 bucks


  1. You go Kevin!!!!!!!


  2. Great job! Workouts done at home really cut down on the away-time from the family.

  3. In our house, the "Dad" in the family loves TT because of how it's made his wife look! ;)
