Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bootcamp Fat Loss Party for Women!

Check out this cool story about the fat loss party for women that is being held in Australia!

"Hi Craig, It all started at the beginning of 2008. It was going to be a year of getting fit and healthy as my youngest of three children was to start Kindergarten. I have always been sporty but due to 2 of my children having special needs, exercise over the past 8 years was put on the backburner.

So, there was myself, my good friend and my sister who all decided it was time! I had been to a local personal trainer a couple of times and when she quit i then decided i would have to do it at home as i have never been one for going to the gym.

So armed with the workouts she had given me the three of us were doing 3 days of her weight training program and the other days were interval cardio training. This ranged from the running machine, rower, recumberant bike and Xtrainer (I realise you don't like this one much!). Plus we were doing boxing circuits and we eventually got fit enough to do a weekly 18km bike ride on the road and sometimes finished that off with a 5km run.

They say i am a bit tough!

They have used other words but none that i will print. So the first 4 months went by the weight loss was okay and the girls were getting comments, and a couple of others asked to come and train. Then by luck, fate or whatever, i was sent an email from the company i had bought my recumberant bike from and it told me about your fat loss program.

That was the start of the REAL weight loss program. We started your bodyweight circuits!!!!. That was when we really started to see results. We also became loads fitter!

My sister has gone from a size 16 to a 10, another girl has lost 19kilos, i had one lady start on the 3rd of December and she lost 11kilos in 10 weeks and did it over Christmas.

There are quite a few coming to my house to train now. I don't charge which they find quite strange but i tell them that not everything is about money, it keeps me motivated and being a person that likes to stay at home i have company at different times through the day and i must say plenty of entertainment!

Currently there are 13 ladies coming and 3 more to start soon. The girls are forever being asked what they are doing to look so good and many people have assumed that they don't eat or are on one of those ridiculous weight loss shake programs.

I have my rule that everyone has to be finished before 5pm as that is kids and husband time. Here it was just the 3 of us at first and now poor old mum can't go down the street without someone asking her about what i am doing.

I thoroughly enjoy it and have seen some magnificent results thanks to Turbulence Training.

Keep up the good work Craig, we are relying on it!!!"
Rachel Forbes

Click here to take a no-risk trial run with Turbulence Training

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