Monday, March 30, 2009

The Secret Goal Program I Use for Happiness & Success

Every day at 5pm, when I'm done my work for the day, I review the goal program that is one of the secrets to my happiness & success.

I've been using this goal setting/goal achievement program since 2006, when I first discovered this amazing program. It's helped me reach personal, fitness, and financial goals faster than I ever thought possible.

I'm truly as happy now as I've ever been in my life, and that includes when I was an 8 year old kid with no cares in the world!
That's how powerful this program has been for me.

And although I'm not a believer in the "Law of Attraction", this program has brought me some hard-to-believe results in a few areas of my life that almost make me reconsider. Almost.

So if you want to get as much accomplished as I do in a day, and reach the same levels of personal and fitness success, then it's as easy as doing a daily check-in at 5pm.

The program is called the Magic Hundred, and it was put together by my friend from the UK, Dax Moy. You simply write down 100 things you want to achieve in the next 100 days and then you TAKE ACTION!

And each day, you review your progress, like I do at 5pm. I check some goals off, and I plan out tomorrow to check off some more.

Ok, well there's a little bit more to it, and Dax explains it in the book better than I can here. Plus, there's additional
motivational audios, daily accountability messages, and more.

I actually spent 2 hours this weekend, on Saturday afternoon, sitting at the old kitchen table with Bally at my feet, reviewing
my latest 100 days of the Magic Hundred and how many items I emphatically crossed off my list.

There were some major, life-changing accomplishments!

And although I didn't get everything done (I still need to work on building a few more personal relationships), I was excited to review and renew my next Magic Hundred days program that starts on April 1st.

Plus, one thing I love about the Magic Hundred is that Dax calls it:

A Goal ACHIEVEMENT program

Not a "Goal Setting" program.

Because how many times have you set goals and time passed without achieving them?

Quite a few, I'm sure.

But Dax's program sets you up for success.

And so I can't recommend it enough if you want to finally lose fat, get fit, improve your relationships with your family and friends, weather the current financial storm (and even PROSPER during these turbulent times), and live the life of your dreams.

It's like Turbulence Training for your mind.

Won't you join me this week in starting the Magic Hundred program?

I personally promise to you that it will help you ACHIEVE literally hundreds of valuable, meaningful goals in your life. That it will keep you on track better than any other mindset program you've ever used...

...and that it will even help you stick to your Turbulence Training program better than before.

Grab your guide to happiness here:

Click here for the Magic Hundred

To your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - At the very least, you MUST...

...set 3 short-term and 3 long-term goals for your health, fitness, and fat loss.

Research shows that setting goals helps you achieve more.

And in this day and age, we need to use every resource we can to take care of ourselves, because no one else is looking out for us!

If you want to join me in getting better every day, and in reaching your personal, physical, and financial goals, there's no better guide than the Magic Hundred program.

Grab your guide to happiness here:

Click here for the Magic Hundred

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