Monday, March 30, 2009

Classic Bench Press Monday Workout

In true TT Meathead fashion I did a workout today that included bench press, just like how every other meathead in the world starts his workout week. Although my overall workout was quite different, and didn't include 4 sets of 4 different chest exercises.

Here's how it went down...

1A) Bench Press (5 sets of 1 rep above 90% max - for building strength) - 265x5x1
1B) Back Extension (4x12 with 25lbs)

2A) Lockouts (3x8)
2B) Inverted Row (4x20)

3A) DB Incline (1 set to failure)
3B) Seated Row (1 set to failure)

That's it. Walked home, got a chocolate milk (18grams of protein), and that's it. Back in the gym on Wednesday.

Tomorrow I'll post a research study review showing you why you only need 20 grams of protein MAX after a workout, despite all the 40-60gram protein shakes on the market.

Saving you from protein shake-itis,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click here for Turbulence Training for Meatheads


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Craig - I notice the one set to failure of incline and rows in the new workout phase. Do you think one set like that in reality provides enough stimulation to the muscle to provide as much growth as 3-4 sets would? I'd love it if it did!


  2. yes, definitely. i think we could all cut back quite a bit on volume.

  3. What are your thoughts on periodization Craig? Would you do something like that in future strength programs for TT?
