Saturday, March 28, 2009

Doctor Approved Interval Training for Growth Hormone Release?

Here's a follow up to our January Success Story of the Month. Derek Murphy asked his doctor about interval training, and the doc believes it can help boost growth hormone and burn fat.

Check out the amazing improvements in Derek's health since starting the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program...

"Wow! I continue to do my bodyweight workouts and following a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and a little bit of whole grains. Thanks to you and TT, I have more endurance, strength, and flexibility than I ever have in my life. 

In fact, I have medical proof of this: I had my first physical in a LONG time on Feb 2nd..  After checking my vitals and reviewing my diet and workouts with me, my doctor told me to "keep doing what you're doing, because it's obviously working." I turned 30 this week and can honestly say that I am in better shape at 30 than I was at 20, and not many of my friends can say that with me! 

In the summer of 2000, I had maxed my weight at 285 lbs.  I was a heavy smoker, beer drinker, and fried food eater.  I saw a picture of myself taken than summer and it took me a minute to recognize myself. 

I started a long slow process back to health, with plenty of ups and downs.  Although I had lost weight and was generally healthier, I was still struggling with my overall health and fitness as recently as a year ago. 

In the fall of 2007, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was put on prescription medication for that, and I was prescribed painkillers for terrible pain in my hips.  This was the last straw. 

It was just a couple of months later that I found Turbulence Training, and I've been using it at various levels of intensity ever since.  By combining bodyweight exercises and intervals, I dropped more weight, which combined with good stretching and rotation exercises has almost completely eliminated the hip pain. 

I haven't taken the blood pressure medication in almost a year now, and my blood pressure was in the normal range when I went for my physical this month!  All of my vitals and lab work came back normal, and I was literally given a clean bill of health.  As I left, my doctor said, "Keep it up, and I won't see you again for a year."

Thanks Craig for everything!

Derek Murphy

P.S. - Here's a great medical plug for TT style intervals training:

As I was talking about my workouts with my doctor, he asked me if I was using intervals/sprint training for cardio. 

When I told him I was, he said that was great, then went on to tell me that interval/sprint running promotes Human Growth Hormone in the body naturally, and doing that is a great way to get a GHG boost in your body and promote muscle growth.  As he put it, "you'll literally build muscle while your running."  Just another reason to stick with TT style cardio!

Click here to take the trial offer of Turbulence Training for less than 5 bucks

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