Thursday, January 01, 2009

"Transform Your Body" Blog Contest Prizes

Thank you to everyone for their amazing, powerful, and inspirational "Transform Your Body" Stories. I've selected two winners, but trust me, it was very hard to do. I spent HOURS reviewing the entries...but here they are...(and don't forget to check below to see if you won a Runner-up prize...its a prize worth $120...and also the info on how to contact me for your prize.)

Grand Prize Winner #1 - Beginner Category - Dutty!

Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to see your progress over the transformation and see you get free of some of the pain and suffering. Stay strong!

Click HERE to read her story

You have won a 1-Year Platinum Membership AND a Flip Video Camera to use to document your transformation.

Dutty, please click here to contact me with your mailing address and email so we can send your prizes!

Grand Prize Winner #2 - Intermediate Advanced Category - Don Dees (deesdl2)

What a great success story. You should be very proud of yourself. Thanks for the kind words! Stay strong!

Click HERE to read Don's story

Don, watch your email from a note from me...I need your mailing address for the video camera, and I've already set you up with a 1-Year Platinum Membership to TT Members. Congratulations!

Runner Up Prizes - 3-Month TT Platinum Memberships

Congrats to all of these folks.

If you see your name...

Please click here to contact me with email so we can set up your Platinum TT Membership!

Michael – Congrats on the upcoming baby. You will be fit and ready!

Shelly – Shelly, I know you are going to do great. Your mom would be proud!

Alex B – You are going to make your daughter proud!

Leyton – Awesome stuff!!! I love that attitude! Looking forward to your results!

DY – That is a powerful story. I wish you a fast recover and look forward to helping you however I can!

Sherry – Well put! I look forward to hearing about your new found freedom…and I hope lots of folks take you up on that offer to join you!

Kita – Thank you for your message. I'm proud of you for taking action. Please keep getting better one day at a time to improve your health and to continue to be there for your little girl. Stay strong!

Jeremy – Thank you for sharing. I hope today is another step in the right direction, towards losing that weight and getting fit and healthy. Remember – one day at a time…every day better than the last. Stay strong!

Jan – Excellent advice! Thank you for sharing your story. You are making the right choices for you and your family, and I wish you success. Stay strong, and consistent!

OH Grappler – That is a powerful story. You should be very proud of yourself for continuing the fight. Great to hear you have a wonderful woman helping you out!

Gazzipo – Thank you for doing such great things! And for spreading the word about TT. Stay strong!

Sunnydays40 – Good to hear from you. I know this is going to be your year to change. Stay strong!

Andrea – Thank you for sharing. You are right in knowing that you need to take care of yourself in order to help take care of your family. Stay strong, and best wishes.

Amanda – Very creative! You rock. That post was a keeper!

Lora – You rock! I can't wait to see your results. Stay strong!

Sonal – Thank you for sharing. I know that will inspire others to take action!

Richard – Glad to hear you are well again. Thank you for sharing that story.

Ernie – Good to hear from you. Thank you for sharing. Your dedication is impressive, and I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong!

Stevie – Powerful stuff. I love your positive attitude. 2009 is going to be your year!

Bill – Well said. I've heard that from many other men like you just before they transformed their bodies. WrekeHavoc – Wow! You are a survivor. Your story is very powerful, motivating and inspirational. You should be proud of your positive attitude. I look forward to hearing about your success in 2009!

Frog – Glad to hear your little boy is doing well. I love your positive attitude!

Anne7777 – Thank you for sharing. I am very proud of you and look forward to your success in 2009!

Jennifer – I am so proud of you for inspiring others. Keep up the great work!

Nathalie – great work! Glad to hear you are getting others involved. And thanks for the kind words!

Rhonda – great work! I'm very proud of you…and it's great to know that you are an inspiration for others!

Kimmy – You are an inspiration. I wish you could have helped that other girl too. Keep up the great work and stay strong!

Vicky – Powerful stuff! That is so great to hear that you achieved amazing results AND that you are inspiring others. Keep it up!

Matt – This is going to be the year. C'mon bro, you can do it. No reason not to. I believe in you!

Sarah – You do deserve it! You truly do. I look forward to helping you prove everyone wrong!

Cheryl – Thank you for sharing. 2009 is going to be a great year for you if you commit to transforming. I know you can do it and you'll love the increased energy and fitness you get.

Keshvi – thank you for sharing your powerful story. Please take a moment to feel proud. You've done amazing. Now it is time to take care of yourself. We are here to support you!

Muzikfreek – thank you posting. You have support, and that is what is the #1 factor to success. I hope that you'll join us all in transforming this year. I truly believe you are right on the edge of success.

Timothy – Thank you for posting. Welcome to a place where we will help you transform.

Rosie – Thank you so much for being a great inspiration to others. You are awesome!

Debra – Thank you for sharing. And thank you for everything that you do, as both a mom and a teacher. I look forward to your success.

Thank you again to everyone who entered, and I look forward to helping you reach your goals with Turbulence Training!

Happy New Year!

Here's to your Transformation,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click here to start your transformation with Turbulence Training


  1. Congratulations to all the winners.

  2. I sent an email via the web form on Jan 1, but I've still heard nothing back. I'm really eager to get started! And I'd like to participate in the contest for added motivation. What else do I need to do to get my account set up?

  3. I have sent several emails after clicking on the above link. I was listed as a winner of one of the trial memberships, but have not heard anything from you guys. Just wondering how I should get my membership? Please email me and let me know. The email associated with my blogger account is no longer valid. I had emailed earlier, giving the old and new email addresses, but still no response? I am anxious to get started with the platinum membership!

  4. Anonymous5:15 AM

    hm... interesting thread!
