Thursday, January 01, 2009

Transform Your Body Beginner Grand Prize Winner!

Here is the Grand Prize Winning Entry of the "Transform Your Body" Essay Contest for our Beginner Category...

Grand Prize Winner #1 - Beginner Category - Dutty!

She's won won a 1-Year Platinum Membership AND a Flip Video Camera to use to document her transformation.

Here's Dutty's story...


When your email hit my inbox it served as the culmination of a weeks worth of nervous anticipation and guarded optimism. I purchased your program last week and ever since I've been scouring the message boards and trying to mentally prepare myself for jumping into this challenge.

Today is my start day for the challenge and last night I poured out a very personal prose to myself in my journal. When I read your email asking, "What would transforming your body mean to you?", I tentatively decided that I would do something I have never done before... Share my writing and with it, my innermost feelings.


-The End and the Beginning-

Today has to be the day. I can not tolerate another minute with this overwhelming feeling of discomfort and discord. I am not myself but where did I go? I am just a faint shadow of the girl I used to be and nothing like the woman I hoped to become. It has to change... everything has to change.

As I sit here in contemplation, pain and sadness are my constant companions. I hurt from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. My fingers ache as I tap the keys. My back and neck throb from the simple work of the day. My feet are in spasm from nothing more than holding my children. My jaw aches with tension and all the muscles in my body feel as if I've run a marathon. If only it was from running a marathon. Oh... to be free enough to run a marathon.

I'm not free but rather I'm trapped in a prison:

Stage IV Endometriosis . Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome .
Anxiety . Myofascial Pain Dysfunction . Type II Diabetes .
Fibromyalgia . Depression

To me they are ugly words and I'm ashamed that my life has been defined by them. Today I take back control. No more falling prey to hopelessness and apathy. No more giving up and giving in. Today is the end of my story of pain, sadness, and desperation.

It's time for a new beginning.


So, stripped down to the most basic level, transforming my body would literally mean transforming my life and setting my thirty-four year old body and spirit free from years of chronic pain and failing health. It would be my families new beginning. Thank you for listening."

Congratulations and Happy New Year Dutty.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to helping you reach your goals,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training


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