Thursday, January 01, 2009

Transform Your Body Contest Advanced Grand Prize Winner!

Here is the Grand Prize Winning Entry of the "Transform Your Body" Essay Contest for our Intermediate/Advanced Category...

Grand Prize Winner #2 - Intermediate/Advanced Category - Don Dees (deesdl2)

Don has won won a 1-Year Platinum Membership AND a Flip Video Camera to use to document her transformation.

Here's Don's story...

"I began using TT approximately 17 weeks ago. I'm guessing because I change routines every 4 weeks and I believe I'm on my fifth routine. When I began TT, I weighed 210 lbs.(I'm only 5'9" tall). I now weigh 188 lbs.

I have done the excercises faithfully, with the exception of the past week (holidays with family and friends). A few months ago, I started fasting two days a week using the ESE program. Neither TT, nor ESE, have been too difficult to use. In fact, my day seems totally out of whack if I do not follow my typical routine.

I love both programs and have a goal of losing an additional 30 lbs. I already need to have my dress slacks altered due to losing several inches off of my waist. i feel healthy and everyone comments on my healthy look. As additional motivation, I have set a goal to climb to the peak of Mt. Whitney with my son, and my younger brother and his son this summer. I love the conditioning which does not include hour upon hour of cardio, but instead is roughly 20 minutes of strength training and 20 minutes of cardio 3 days a week.

On rare occasions, I may add another day of activity, but for the most part, I have a sedentary desk job, five days a week, with long hours. Even though I'm 55 (almost 56)I feel like I'm in my early twenties! I'm the healthiest I have ever been in my entire life! If I can have this kind of success, anyone can. It is the one program from which I will never depart. Incidentally Craig, my membership just recently expired a few days ago, but I'm still doing the workouts!
Don Dees

Congratulations and Happy New Year Don!

Keep up the great work,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

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