Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday Upper Body Workout

Today's workout didn't go as planned. First, I wanted to set up rack lockouts, but nothing in the gym worked for proper set up. I tried the squat rack but the pins are too far apart...so I did regular bench press instead.

1) Overhead Squat - 135x3

2A) Bench - 225x8
2B) BB Row - 195x8, 205x2x8

3A) Military Press 3x8
3B) Pullups 3x8
3C) Plank with Arms on Ball - 3x30seconds

That was it. I was rushed today as well so I cut back on some sets, but not on the warmup. Never skip a warmup!

Then had a good chat with MMA strength coach, Eric Wong.

=> Click here for his special report on MMA Conditioning

Now to go review some seminar notes,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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