Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Workout That Turned My Life Around

I have an EMBARRASSING story to share with you today about a time in my life when I let my health and fitness slip away from me...

And like I said, I'm not proud of it, but I MUST share it with you in hopes that it will help you avoid what happened to me. In fact, you'll discover how I turned my life around one day on Christmas holidays almost 15 years ago.

It was December 28th, 1994. I had just finished my first year of College, and I was home for Christmas break.

Despite working out almost every day in my final two years of high school, I had fallen victim to the College "party" lifestyle" in my first semester away from home.

Sure I stayed active with co-ed sports, but like most students I spent too much time eating processed foods and consuming liquid calories, and I was starting to "let myself go".

So as I sat there on December 28th at my parent's house, recovering from another holiday party the night before, I suddenly got angry and embarrassed.

Here I was, on the path to what I knew would be a life dedicated to helping people improve their health and fitness, and I was wasting away my time eating food that made me tired, and being too tired to do anything but sit around and eat more food.

Have you ever felt that way?

Finally, I put down the Sports Illustrated I was reading and picked up a Men's Health magazine and stumbled across a bodyweight workout that would change my life forever.

That one day, that one workout - done with NO equipment at all - was the catalyst for every Turbulence Training program that has helped YOU and millions of other men and women all over the world to lose inches and burn fat in the comfort of their own home.

All because of that one day when I said ENOUGH is ENOUGH and decided to TAKE ACTION and turn my health around.

Click here to discover the bodyweight secrets that helped me turn my life around

So to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of this important event in the history behind the Turbulence Training workouts, I've put together ALL of my bodyweight workouts and DVD's into one package to help you avoid feeling the way I did.

The Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution DVDs are like having your own personal training sessions with me in the comfort of your own home or hotel room.

Turn your life around today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Plus, this is the official launch of my NEWEST workout - the TT Hotel Room Workouts that even include FOLLOW-ALONG workouts for the beginner and intermediate levels.

This new Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution package includes...

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

The value of the entire Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution is over $1662.89, but the first 50 copies are available in this Pre-Launch Sale for only $247.

(NOTE: These copies are going so fast since the website went "live" yesterday that there are only 21 copies remaining at the PRE-release price!.)

Grab yours here:

=> http://www.BodyweightCardio.com

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