Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Turbulence Training Works!

This one made my kinda reminds me of the Life cereal commercial, after they realize lil' Mikey likes it.

He likes it! He likes it!

Hi Craig

I'm Ginette and I'm a personal trainer. I have a small gym where 'ladies only' come to work out. I needed proof that TT really worked. In September I started the TT Training on myself and a couple of ladies with whom I work out at 7a.m.. One of us is doing your workout but not following the food guidelines and has taken more time off between workouts. She's definitely stronger but has yet to lose more inches (age 60). The second (age 49) is relatively careful of what she eats, works out 3 - 4 times a week and has gone from a large (size 16) to medium (size 10-12). Myself (age 54) I have followed 90% of the nutritional guideline and the complete workout. In 7 weeks I've gone from a size 8-10 to 2-4. Unfortunately I'm not that savy about computers to add any pictures for confirmation. We are estatic about our experience and definitely plan to continue, especially throughout the Christmas holidays. You have now converted another Personal Trainer who will happily pass on the word to her clients.
Thank you

If you are still skeptical, take the Turbulence Training Trial Offer for only $4.95 for 21 days.

=> Click here for the TT Trial Offer

You'll like it! You'll like it!

I promise,


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Nice job.Keep it writing.Good luck.
