Sunday, November 02, 2008

Cellulite Elimination Exercises

I'm pretty skeptical of "cellulite cures", and I've asked every trainer I know for cellulite elimination exercises and tips, but no one had any had any secrets.
The truth is, no diets or pills will cure cellulite. Only a proven exercise program can have any effect on getting rid of cellulite. So finally, one of the last female fitness experts I talked to was Joey Atlas, and he said he has a proven plan to help you eliminate cellulite - at home!
Here are Joey's 6 secrets to scaring away cellulite...
1 - Replace all 'weight and machine' lower body exercises with bodyweight exercises -- this is counter-intuitive to the mainstream approach to cellulite reduction - but its the main reason why it
works better.
CB says, "Bodyweight exercises are key for fat burning and body sculpting."
2 - Emphasize muscle control in each repetition - This allows the whole muscle to be involved and properly engaged in each exercise - a key to lower body cellulite reduction.
CB says, "This works especially well for beginners, because it helps you quickly realize what muscles are supposed to be working in each move."
3 - Don't believe in the 'No pain - no gain' mentality -- this myth forces women to think "doing more is better" which is not the case. Avoid pain, because this is where exercise related injuries occur.
CB says, "Train safe so you can train consistently."
4 - Utilize 'items' in your home for a complete lower body exercise program -- items such as a cushioned chair or couch, a firm ottoman, and a pantry step stool.
CB says, "You don't need a fancy gym set-up. These home items are great for step-ups and some of Joey's specific hip extension exercises. Save money and lose cellulite at home."
5 - Concentrate on moving from one exercise to the next with no more than 20 seconds between sets -- this is an important variation for the cellulite reduction effect.
CB says, "Short, burst workouts are best for losing fat."
6 - Expect visible cellulite reduction within 2-3 weeks if you get your lower body sessions in three times per week (some women can get away with just two sessions per week).
CB says, "Be consistent with your workouts and nutrition and you can finally get rid of your cellulite."
You CAN get cellulite to go away,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - If you've wasted hundreds or thousands of dollars on "cellulite cures", and have nothing to show for it...
...visit Joey's website to find out the TRUTH about the role your age, genetics, and body type have on your cellulite.
Joey says the media has completely misled hard working women about how and why cellulite builds up, and offers a proven system for helping you eliminate cellulite - in the comfort of your own home.

1 comment:

  1. sounds pretty good...but you didn't talk to me...I have a book I wrote called The Cellulite Reduction Program "Getting Rid of the Dimples of Doom" ... So when are you setting up an interview with me? :)

    Coach Yari

    Love, Peace, and Happiness!
