Saturday, November 01, 2008

Bodyweight Challenge Workout

In the spirit of Halloween, I created TWO fat burning bodyweight circuits with a spooky repetition scheme. Okay, it's not that spooky, but it will be enough to scare off belly fat.

Plus, I named them after the murderous monsters of popular horror movies, so that should count for something.

One is intermediate (the Michael Myers Workout), and the other is advanced (the Jason Voorhees workout). No matter which one you choose, here are the rules for this week's challenge:

--> Go through the circuit two times for 502 total reps.
--> Rest as little as possible.
--> This is a timed event. Lower time = better score.

Intermediate Version - Michael Myers Halloween Fat Burning Workout 

31 Bodyweight Squats
13 Elevated Pushups (per side)
31 Lunges (total, not per side, start with your weak side)
13 Inverted Rows
31 Side-to-Side Hops (total)
13 Inverted Rows
31 Close-Grip Pushups
13 Underhand Inverted Rows
31 Jumping Jacks
13 Burpees
31 Diagonal Lunges (total, not per side, start with your weak side)

To see the advanced version, visit the forum here:

=> Click here to see the Jason Voorhees fat burning bodyweight workout challenge

A perfect weekend workout challenge,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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