Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday Squat Workout

Good workout today, the extra hour of sleep helped. I think there were some freaks still out from Halloween though, because there were some real weirdos in the gym this guy looked exactly like Jon Cryer from Pretty In Pink.

Anyways, onto the workout...

1) Squat - worked up to 325x5

2A) Front Squat - 175x13
2B) Pikes - 7,4
2C) Pistol - 8

3A) Cable Pullthrough - 140x3x10
3B) Calf Raise - 140x3x8

Couple walks with Bally, and that's it for today.

Big surprise coming for you tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Click here to be notified of the big surprise!

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