Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Upper Body Meathead Workout

Heading off to London, England tonight, and doing a seminar with the one and only Dax Moy on Friday for personal trainers from all over Europe.

Click here for more details on the seminar

I'll lift weights on Saturday, and maybe do some bodyweight exercises early on Friday, but that's about it. I get back late Sunday night.

Today's workout...Workout A from TT Meatheads 2.0.

1A) Medium Grip Bench Press - 240x3x3, 205x8
1B) DB Row 110x3x6

2A) DB Chest Press - 90x8
2B) Weighted Pullup - 15 pounds - 2x6

3A) DB Incline - 60x10
3B) Seated Row - 165x2x10

4) BB Shrug - 205x2x10

Pretty good. Was running a bit late today, so I dropped a couple of chest sets.

Heading to the airport,

Click here for Turbulence Training

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