Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Excuses vs. Moving Ahead

I want to thank everyone who emailed in to tell me how they were doing. I heard from over 500 of you, and I heard stories of
frustration, but also reports of success.

Unfortunately, I also heard many excuses. Too many excuses.

My favorite was from the reader who said they couldn't workout because their room-mates were lazy.

Listen, I'm sorry but there are no excuses accepted here. Not when I get emails like this...

"the last two weeks have been tough. my son has had surgery and there were complications. i have spent most nights in the hospital room with him. Sleep comes in an hour here and an hour there. however, i have modified some of your body weight routines and get them done in the hospital room. hospital food is bad, but good choices have been maintained."

This father, dedicated to his son, is still working towards his goals. His environment, the people around him, and even a lack of sleep is not preventing him from striving for better health and fitness, and eventually this perseverance will help him lose weight and burn body fat.

He's not letting anything get in his way.

Why should you?

You have all the resources available at your finger tips. For those with lazy room-mates, you have hundreds of inspiring, dedicated and positive people in the TT Members forum willing to come to your side and give you the social support you need to succeed.

Just this week we've helped one another overcome...

- binge eating

- depression about our weight

- a lack of motivation and energy

- the fear of giving up cardio and switching to fewer workouts

- the frustrations of living with partners who don't give any support

We are all going through struggles and helping one another get through them!

So no matter what environment you find yourself in, someone else on the TT forum has been there, and done that, and has OVERCOME the situation to succeed.

And they will help show you the way.

Don't forget, you get 3 months free of social support in the TT Forums when you get started with Turbulence Training:

=> Click here to get started with Turbulence Training

I look forward to helping you eliminate your excuses and overcome your obstacles,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - If they can do it, so can you...

"I have been going to the gym for several years now but haven't found a way to achieve the body that I want.  After 4 weeks in TT, I lost 7 lbs and 1.25 inch off my waist.  I can't remember the last time I was under 125 lbs (probably in high school).  Currently, my weight is at 123 lbs! I know I will reach my goals with these kind of results. I have to tell you that the TT forum is also a great idea. I find a lot of support and help there through other TT members who can relate to my situation. When I see other people who are doing better than I am, nutrition and trainig wise, I tend to emulate them and do better in my own goals too."
Anna Dornier

"I'm 25 and was seriously overweight at the start of this year. I've been doing the TT for Fat Loss Workouts and after 5 months of training. I've lost nearly 28lbs. I want to take this opportunity to thank Craig for making your knowledge so accessible and your articles and blogs that not only make us think about our lifestyles, but encourage us to change them for better health."
Kevin Thow, Sydney, Australia

Don't forget, you get 3 months free of social support in the TT Forums when you get started with Turbulence Training:

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training


  1. One thing I use when I'm not feeling motivated to work out is that it's only "an hour and a shower" for my TT workout.

