Thursday, October 23, 2008

5 Tips to Stop Binge Eating

When I hear from TT Members about their problems with binge eating, I want to help. That's why I started a list of the best ways to stop binge eating.

1) Brush your teeth after every meal.

2) Keep the binge food as far away, and as inconviently located as possible. If you have a kids, and keep some treats for them in the house, put them somewhere that you have to work to get them. Ie. The top shelf.

3) Go for a quick walk or miniworkout of bodyweight exercises rather than a binge.

4) Eat fruit, not junk, when you just can't stop eating.

5) Try to avoid the environements where binges happen.

You can find more tips on avoiding binge eating from other TT Members on the forum here:

Click here to learn more anti-binge tips

It would be great to hear your tips as well. Please post them on the forum.

The TT Members forum is the best place in the world for the weight loss support you need,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - One of our new members made a very brave post...

...about emotional eating, about not being sure where to start, and about her social support struggles at home.

And I am very proud of how all the TT Members came together to offer powerful words of encouragement and great advice on how to help our new member overcome all the obstacles in her life and start making small steps toward success.

If you are scared and frustrated, or if you would like to add your positive comments to our forum, please visit this page and realize that none of you are alone. Instead, there are hundreds of other regular TT Members on the forum who want to help you and see you succeed, even though you've never met one another.

Learn more about this incredible, powerful story of helping

With all the mud-slinging, doom and gloom, and negativity in the media, it is reassuring to know that good, honest, caring people still exist and are willing to help each other out.

Stay strong - and make sure you have the social support you need for weight loss, health, and mental well-being.


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