Saturday, October 25, 2008

TT Members Bodyweight Challenge - The Nutbag

Well, you gotta wonder what you've gotten yourself into when you agree to do a Bodyweight Challenge called, the "Official Lightday Nutbag Workout", but that's what the TT Members chose for this week's TT Challenge.

Click here to see the full challenge workout

I did this in my hotel room here in London, substituting squat thrusts for the stability ball jackknife.

With New Zealand TT Member Aex setting the pace by posting that he did 4.5 rounds, I had a benchmark to go for, and I almost did 5 rounds. I'm sure Andy, Rob, and Mike will do more. I made it all the way to the end of the close grip pushups in round 5.
So with each repetition counting as 1 point - and there being 160 reps per round - here's my score... 

160 reps x4 rounds + 130 reps (from an incomplete round 5)

= 770 reps

Good times!
Just another workout to show you that you don't need equipment, you don't need fancy machines, you don't need a gym membership, you don't need BOSU Balls (or pumpkins), to get a great workout.
Off to London Irish rugby game out in Twickenham,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - What is your score in the Nutbag challenge?

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