Saturday, October 25, 2008

7 Day Fat Loss Guide

You might not know this, but I'm a picky eater. I didn't eat salad, yogurt, or spinach until I was 21. And I didn't eat avocado or asparagus until after 25. Now, as you know, they are part of almost every day's meals. So if I can improve my diet, you can too!

Here's some tips on eating better, along with a complete 7-Day guide to Fat Loss with lots of secrets to get the most fat burning results in the least amount of time.

Okay, picky eaters, you've got some work to do. Your goal this week is to try one new fruit and one new vegetable.

C'mon, you can do it!

And don't forget to get at least 30 minutes of fun, easy activity. I'll be walking around London before I fly back to Toronto tonight.

Do your TT workout and add a 6-minute abs workout at the end.

If you are up for a challenge, try the TT Member's weekly workout competition. Each week we come up with a new challenge that every TT Member can try.
You'll find this week's program on the TT Forum. It's tough, but still appropriate for most folks to do on their off-days (unless you are a beginner).

After today's TT workout, take 5-10 minutes to lie down, and breathe slowly and deeply from your belly. Just relax, focus on the breathing, and inhale and exhale some of your stress away. You'll be amazed at what this simple 5-minute break can do for you.

Get 30-minutes of light activity and include an extra round of all the stretches from your TT manual. For desk workers, do an extra 30-second stretch for the chest, hip flexors, and hamstrings.

Finish off your TT workout with a round of 3-minute arms - or two if have time. If you have Halloween duties, then do your workout on the weekend and spend today walking the kiddies around the 'hood.

Get rid of all the Halloween junk that you don't need to have in the house. Tell your kids to hide their candy. Give away the extra chocolate bars and chips that you didn't hand out on Friday.

Get rid of the junk before you eat it. And don't feel bad about throwing it in the garbage. It's called "junk food" for a reason.

Now that's a proven 7 day plan for fat loss,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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