Friday, October 24, 2008

The Best Free Diet Meal Plans

So many frustrated readers are asking...

..."Why can't nutrition experts agree? They always seem to contradict one another."

There is no industry where everyone agrees on everything. Everyone has personal biases and backgrounds that result in different interpretations of research, data, and success stories.

After all, if we can't get...

- bankers
- lawyers
- politicians
- accountants
- sports coaches
- preachers
- priests
- etc., etc., etc.

to all agree in their industries, why should we expect all diet experts to agree?

But I hope you see my point.

There will never be a day when every nutritionist agrees on everything.

As for the nutrition experts I recommend in TT (Dr. Mohr, Isabel De Los Rios, Brad Pilon, and Mike Roussell), they are all on the "same page", and just have a few minor disagreements in their diet fundamentals.


...each program is different in terms of WHO it is best for, because each diet works best for a specific personality.

Isabel's is for Type A people.

Brad's Diet Program is for Type B people. (And don't forget, the first TWO TT Transformation Contest Winners used his program.)

I personally use Isabel De Los Rios' whole, natural foods approach. It is one of the healthiest meal plan programs possible, and she is extremely passionate about what her clients - and you - put in your body.

So I have a BIG gift for you today from Isabel...

She's giving away 6-weeks of the best free diet meal plans to help you jump-start your fat loss!

If you are struggling with your fat loss, I guarantee it has something to do with your diet.

Diet is the most important part of a fat burning program. You can NOT out-train a bad diet, no matter how good the exercise program. Not even if you are using Turbulence Training!

Grab Isabel's free meal plans and change your life and your diet forever. It is EASY to eat Isabel's way. I've been doing it for years, and my diet gets better and better each time I talk to Isabel and take her advice.

=> Click here for FREE Meal Plans

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Do you need a PROVEN fat loss diet?

If you need more diet information, visit Isabel's site to see her powerful transformation story, and to discover how Isabel helped her Mom lose a lot of weight and get rid of many medications.

Go here:

=> Click Here for the Proven Fat Loss Diet

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