Monday, October 27, 2008

7 Stages of Weight Loss Disbelief

I wrote this email from my hotel in London, England, about to embark on a 12-hour journey back to Toronto, and yes, it's raining. But the weather wasn't as bad as I expected it to be this weekend. Yesterday, I went to a rugby game in Twickenham, and had an Indian Curry dinner at a restaurant on the famous Brick Lane. We even tried the spiciest curry they had. It was hot, and I was sweating bullets.

It was a great trip, meeting several TT Members, and quite a few trainers who use Turbulence Training with their clients. I even picked up a few fat burning secrets I'll be sharing with you soon.

Several times over the weekend I talked about the amazing results, almost unbelieveable results to be honest, that men and women have achieved in the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

It was hard for many of the trainers to believe the results, and frankly even I'm shocked at the amazing changes these real people were getting. After all, they weren't trainers themselves, or the type of folks that enter fitness competitions.

They were just real people getting real results.

And it's not uncommon for folks to go through 7 stages of disbelief about the Turbulence Training program. From your emails I've heard...

1) Folks first think Turbulence Training is a scam. They just can't believe the results they hear about.

2) Folks then start challenging anyone who has used Turbulence Training, or emailing me with many questions about the program, as they try to justify their disbelief.

3) Then they go through what I call, "the car wreck stage". They are still super-skeptical, but they can't stop reading about it
(just as how most people can't stop looking at a car wreck when they drive by one).

4) Finally, they start using one of the TT workouts. But the funny thing is, they don't want it to work. They want to be right. But, they are pleasantly surprised...

5) ...and they are so impressed by the fat burning results of the TT workouts they start to spread the word to others, who of course do not believe them!

6) In fact, many TT users are criticized by trainers who do not believe, and who tell the TT users that they need to do a lot more cardio to lose weight...but the trainers are just in Stage 1 of TT disbelief...and need to try it for themselves.

7) You are admired by others for your fast results with Turbulence Training. The formerly skeptical trainers, your disbelieving friends, and all those "nay-sayers" start to believe you and trust you. They ask you how you did it. How did you burn fat without cardio.

And you simply tell them about TT and get them to believe.

Thanks for taking a chance on Turbulence Training,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - If you are STILL skeptical...

...I urge you to jump to stage 3 of the 7 Stages of Disbelief and take the 21-day TT Trial Offer for only $4.95.

You can still burn fat and lose weight before the holiday season with all of the workouts and the social support you'll get from TT Members - many of whom were once even more skeptical than you!

Grab your 21-day trial offer AND 3-Month free TT Membership for only $4.95 here:


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