Monday, September 01, 2008

TT for Meatheads, Workout 2

Upper body Meathead workout today...modified for my goals, but still giving my arms a bit of a shake 30-minutes after finishing it. Some classic upper body exercises.

Bench Press - Worked up to a set with 260

1A) Seated Row - 3x8 with 195
1B) DB Incline Press - 2x8 with 80

2A) Chinup - 10, 8, 6
2B) DB Rear Delt Raise -

35 minute workout. Tempted to do more, but that's a good thing. Workouts should leave you wanting more, not exhausted to the point of fatigue. That's the "marathon mentality", and doesn't do you as much good as looking at your workouts as "training"...Turbulence Training.

Change your mindset to change your body,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - The 4-Week TT Twitter Transformation Contest starts TODAY!

Grab a paper, get your before photos, and take your measurements...then get ready to transform your body for the next 4 weeks.

Click Here for the 4-Week Contest Rules

1 comment:

  1. Can't argue there with the marathon mentality...
