Monday, September 01, 2008

Male & Female TT Success Stories

So many great Turbulence Training success stories this month that I decided to award THREE winners...two gals and a guy...with both of our girls being from Oz. Turbulence Training is very popular in Australia. Maybe they will make me an honorary citizen, or at least give me a free surfboard?

Here are the winner's inspirational fat loss stories with Turbulence Training...

"I have been  a gym junkie for 30 years, not to compete but to create balance in my life. Religiously I would go and do split body workouts (at least 5 times a week) -e.g. back and bis and then at least 40 minutes of cardio and then chest and tris. I am a 48 year old female and I while I am strong, I can bench 22.5 kg dumbbells for e.g I struggle to shift my own  body weight! For 3 weeks now I have been doing the TT 30 day fat loss program and have swapped 45 minute spin classes for 20 minute interval runs ­ where I can get it 12.5 km and  and an hour of intense weight lifting for 20 ­ 25 minutes of
functional trg and I have already noticed a difference. I am nowhere near as exhausted and I can run faster in my intervals AND I have shifted some weight! A skeptic at first I can see the benefits of this program, so thanks Craig from way down under in Melbourne Australia!"
Chris Dalcos

"I used be that guy in the gym for almost two hours a pop. Split up my week into the chest day ... the arms day ... the legs day ... etc. And then, I found Turbulence Training. It changed my life. And as a personal trainer, it changed how I train my clients, too. The workouts are fast and effective. 'Nuff said. I've never been in better shape and I'm doing twice the work in half the time. And I pass along all the knowledge I soak up from Craig Ballantyne and pass it along to my clients and they see wonderful results. I can't thank you enough for the developing the best fat-loss, muscle-building, life-changing, active-lifestyle system that Turbulence Training delivers."
Pete Cataldo

"Thanks so much for such an awesome, easy to follow program.  My body has never looked so good!  I didn't have to buy any fancy equipment (I got an exercise bike for Christmas, have an old set of dumbbells and have 'borrowed' my Dad's fitball!).  I was so embarrassed about how I looked that I wasn't even willing to photograph myself for the Transformation contest. I so wish I had now, because the results have been amazing.  I have 2 small kids, and I get up and do my workouts in the lounge room, in my pyjamas before they get up.  I could never have done that before - and my excuse was that I was just too tired.  Anyone with small kids will know what that feels like!  I find I have so much more energy.  I used to hit mid afternoon and feel like I would die, but even getting up earlier, I have no problems getting through the day.  I have been using it for about 12 weeks now and have dropped several sizes.  I am still laughing at all my friends who pay huge amounts every week for gym memberships or weight loss programs...(Actually, I'm referring them all the Turbulence Training!).  Although you did fail to mention the HIDDEN COSTS - I have had to replace my entire wardrobe!  Thanks!
Erica McKinnon, Perth, Western Australia

Congratulations to Chris, Pete, and have won the TT Success Story of the Month and a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership. I'll hook you up and send you an email with the details.

If anyone else wants to share their Turbulence Training success, please drop us your story here:

Click Here to Contact Turbulence Training

To your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Ready to transform your body and win PRIZES?

Here are the rules of current 12-week contest and the 4-week mini "Twitter" contest...and YES, you can do both.  (12-week contest)

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