Sunday, August 31, 2008

TT for Meatheads, Workout 1

Last week ended the 4th week week of TT2K3, so this week it was time for a new program. I'm going to switch out of the regular TT workouts and take on the new TT for Meatheads 4-week program. It should be a blast. Here's my workout #1, keeping in mind I held a little back because it was a new program.

It's always a good idea to go at 80% (or less if you are a beginner) when you start a new program, since you are guaranteed to be sore from the new moves, there is no point in making it extreme soreness.

1A) Squat - 315x2x8
1B) DB Shrug - 2x10

2) DB Split Squat - 70x2x8

3) DB Step-up - 50x2x8

And I added in a "6-Minute Abs Workout". That will be one of the two October TT Workouts of the Month, and this 6-minute abs workout went perfectly. You're going to like it a lot.

This entire workout lasted just 37 minutes. Fast and fun and effective.

Give TT for Meatheads a try,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - The 3rd TT Transformation Contest starts TODAY!

Grab a paper, get your before photos, and take your measurements...then get ready to transform your body.

Click Here for the TT Contest Rules

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