Sunday, September 14, 2008

How to Join the TT Transformation Contest

Here are the 3 keys to getting started with the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

#1 - Start Today

The contest ends in exactly 84 days. Sure, you can start later, but you won't get all 12 weeks of the fat burning contest in...because all entries have to be in by Dec. 14th. So don't let the other folks get ahead of you. Start today!

#2 - Just Do It!

There is no "official signup" format, all you have to do is transform your body over the next 12 weeks and make sure that I get your before and after photos and your 300-word essay by Dec. 14th, before midnight, EST.

That's it.

You don't have to spend any money.

You don't have to "register" anywhere.

You don't even need to post your photos on the Internet if you don't want to...


I've outlined a few tips below on how to get the best results.

#3 - Discover all of the TT Contest Rules here...

Find out how you can enter without spending a cent...


And now, the 5 secrets for getting the best results...

1) Use the TT Members forums for social support.

2) Ask me all of your nutrition and workout program questions on the TT Member's Forum. I am here to help.

3) Start a your own daily workout/nutrition journal where people can check in and encourage you or offer advice. You can do that in the forum called, "3rd Transformation Contest".

4) Don't be shy! Post your progress photos in your workout journal on the forum.

NOTE: It's not mandatory to use the forums, but I promise it will give you better results if you do this stuff.

5) Remember!

You don't "have to" put your photos just need to get your before and after photos in before Dec. 14th.

However, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you will get better results if you post your photos on the forum or even on your own TT weight loss blog.

Accountability and SOCIAL SUPPORT are essential for your success.

So don't be shy. The more you share, the more you will LOSE!

I can't wait to see your weight loss transformation,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - The "FINAL" day to enter the Full TT Transformation Contest is:

Today, Monday, Sept. 15th!

If you start today, that gives you 84 days before the final day of Dec. 14th, when you have to send in your before and after photos. Find out all of the details on entering the free contest here:

=> TT Contest Rules
PPS - Kerry got "abs" at 51!

"For years, I had been doing slow, boring cardio, but the 12-Week Turbulence Training Transformation Contest was one of the best things I have ever done. Most importantly, I've learned the power and value of planning, consistency, accountability and support. These things can be applied to all facets of life. The support here has been just fantastic.

Losing six pounds, and looking better in the mirror is most rewarding, but from a total health standpoint, the change in my
bloodwork at my yearly physical exam was totally gratifying. I owe that to the TT lifestyle."
Kerry Zelanka

==> Click Here for Kerry's Transformation

PPPS -  Emily Lost 15.5 Pounds of Fat in 12 Weeks!

"During my 12 week journey I lost 15.5 lbs, inches off everywhere, and 5.3% body fat...I was able to take "after pictures" fitting comfortably into a pair of size 27 jeans that I haven't fit into in years!"
Emily Johnson, Winner of the 1st TT Transformation Contest

=> Click Here for Emily's Winning Transformation

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