Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Upper Body Meathead Workout

Busy gym today, but only had to wait a little bit on seated rows. If I wasn't doing TT for Meatheads and wanting to improve my seated rows from last week, I probably just would have switched to another exercise, like DB rows or BB rows.

If you are trying to lose fat, don't get too hung up on the exact exercise. Focus on the movement instead. So if you are in the gym, and it's busy, and your program calls for dumbbell chest presses, but every bench is taken...

...don't freak out.

Just switch to...

- An advanced pushup variation
- Barbell presses
- Standing 1-arm cable chest presses
- DB floor presses

And that way you can keep flying through your workout. So always have options!

Onto my workout...

1) Bench Press - 255x2x2, 275x1

2A) Seated Row - 195x10,10,8
2B) DB Incline Press - 85x2x8

3A) Chinup - 13,7,6
3B) DB Rear Delt Raise - 22.5x2x12

Another arm pump from this workout. Plus, the workout was a little long because it was busy - 45 minutes - so I didn't add in any extra 3-minute arms or anything.

Otherwise, good times.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Click Here for TT and the TT for Meatheads Bonus Workout

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