Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fat Loss Deadlines

Early Sunday morning workout...just didn't feel I had the legs for maximum squats, but this was the only chance I had to get in.

TT for Meatheads Workout A

1A) Squat - 300x3x8
1B) db Shrug - 90x8, 100x8

2) DB Split Squat - 75x2x8

3) DB Step-up - 55x2x8

4) 6-Minute Abs with cable and pushup exercises - A good one!

I'm in week 3 of this program and having way too much fun with it...I might have to come up with a new TT for Meatheads for November. Good times!

Anyways...deadline tomorrow...

...your last day to join the TT Contest and get in 12 full weeks of Transforming...

Click Here for More Details

You can LOSE weight over the holidays,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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